it’s registration time

Register here


Do you know why it’s important to register Early?

It is important for us to know how many registrations we have for the next season. This helps us plan the teams. If we have many players at one level we can look at splitting the teams into tow. Or if we don’t have enough players we need to plan for the kids to play elsewhere. This affects the amount of ice time that we need to secure with the town. There are lots of moving parts and it helps the executive plan more effectively when we have an early registration.

Register before July 30 and save $100


Did you know that you can pay later?! You can register now and pay later. Payment is not due until September. So, SAVE big by enrolling now. An early bird discount is available to any family that registers before July 31st!

Looking to volunteer? Fantastic! We are always looking for parents and community members to help throughout the season. Coaches and other volunteers who wish to work directly with the kids will require a CRC and completion of Respect in Sport

  • In order to register you will need the following:

    1. One parent must complete the Respect in Sport Parent Program. This is mandatory for Hockey Alberta and must be done prior to registering. The cost is $12+gst and is good for 4 years. Once this is complete (or if you have completed previously for other children), add your child to your profile under "Child Management" to create a Hockey Canada ID (select Lamont as association in this section). Write this ID number down as you will need to enter it.

    2. An electronic copy of your child's birth certificate (scan or take a picture to attach)

    3. An electronic copy of a "proof of residency document" with your physical land address (no box numbers). Examples include a parents driver's license, utility bill, property tax bill, rental agreement, etc. (scan or take a picture to attach).

    Please note:

    - When completing the Player Info section, please provide your mailing address in the first address section and physical home address later in the Additional Player Info section.

  • In order to register you will be required to enter your player's Hockey Canada Member ID. This can be found by logging into your Respect in Sport Account, clicking "Profile", then "Child Management" (How to find your Hockey Canada ID). Your RIS certificate must be current to register.

    When completing the Player Information section, please provide your mailing address in the first address section and physical home address later in the Additional Player Info section.

  • A 10% processing fee (up to a maximum $20) will be charged on all refunds.

    Refunds prior to October 1st will be 100%.

    Refunds prior to October 31st will be 85%.

    Refunds prior to November 30th will be 45%.

    No refunds will be issued past December 1st.

    More information on the refund policy in the Elk Island Minor Hockey Association by-laws.

  • What financial assistance is available to help pay registration fees?

    There are several programs available:


    Lace'Em Up

    Jump Start

    EIMH offers a 5-month payment plan. At check out you can apply this option.

    EIMH is also about to offer some financial assistance to families in addition to KidSport, Lace’Em Up and Jump Start to help families attend tournaments and meet ‘cash call’ requirements.

  • Tykes $150 (After July 30, $200)

    U 7 $400 (After July 30, $500)

    U 9 $600 (After July 30, $700)

    U 11 $700 (After July 30, $800)

    U 13 $750 (After July 30, $85000)

    U 15 $800 (After July 30, $900)

    U 18 $850 (After July 30, $950)

  • Fundraising it required to help our organization buy new equipment, support our players with development opportunities, add additional ice times.

    Each family is either required to participate in the planned fundraising activities OR opt for a voluntary pay out.

    Voluntary fundraising pay out is $250 per player, with an additional $100 per sibling, to a maximum of $450.

    Fundraising can include working casinos, selling raffle tickets, bottle drives,


Elk Island Minor Hockey welcomes any child ages 4-18.


Become an Elk Island Wild
